Monday, January 7, 2008



1. We are making tremendous progress in spreading the gospel: 35,000 saved in India, 40,000 in China, 35,000 in Latin America.

2. Every day, 178,000 become believers around the world. That amounts to one million people a week, 52 million a year. We have entered the greatest harvest time in history.

3. Indonesia is 35% Christian.

4. After 70 years of oppression, the former Soviet Union now has 100 million Christians, five times the membership of the Communist party at the height of its popularity.

5. Mongolia has ended its 2,000-year drought.

6. There are more Christians in Nepal than in Japan today. Strongholds of Hinduism in Nepal are falling.

7. Nigeria has the largest church building. A man dead four days was resurrected.

8. More Muslims in Iran have come to know Christ since 1980, than during the previous 1,000 years combined. Before Khomeini's revolution in 1979, there were only 2,000 Iranian believers. Despite years of intense persecution since the Shah fell, more than 30,000 to 60,000 Iranians have become saved.

9. I heard that as 25 mullahs were returning from Mecca to Nigeria, Jesus appeared to them and they all gave their hearts to the Lord.

10. In A.D. 100, there were 360 non-believers for every Christian. Now the ratio is 5.8 non-believers to every believer.

11. In Latin America, 400 people come to Christ every hour. In the last decade, the number of evangelical Protestants grew from 18.6 million to 59.4 million. That is a 320 percent increase, nine times the growth rate of the population.

12. Until recently, we have been losing the battle. Historically, it has taken one missionary’s lifetime to win one convert.

13. More Muslims have been converted in the past 25 years than the previous years put together.

14. Thirty years ago, no Messianic congregations existed. Today, there are 6,000 Jewish believers, and more than 40 congregations.


1. Today, 4.5 billion people remain unevangelized; 3 billion belong to unreached people groups. Unreached means they have no access to the gospel.

2. Out of 12,000 ethno-linguistic peoples of the world, 10,000 already have a church planting movement. There remain 1,685 unreached people groups.

3. One billion people are Muslims.

4. The story of Coke in Haiti.

5. Two days after Princess Diana died in a car accident, the world knew; 2,000 years after the King of Kings was crucified, the world has yet to hear.

6. The Great Commission is more than evangelizing. It is making disciples. Planting churches is the most effective way to fulfill the Great Commission.

7. But without the power, the best strategy will not work. We need the power of the Holy Spirit to get the job done right.

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