Thursday, January 3, 2008
A Prophesied Hour Upon a Holy Generation Part 1
by Shawn Bolz
God is doing something amazing in this generation. There is an expansion in the heart of this very generation involving a unique destiny. It is not just that a few people are called in a special way, but the whole generation is burning with purpose. I want to share a portion of my personal testimony that I walked out in a prophetic journey.
When I was fifteen years old a prophetic friend by the name of Theresa Lea moved to our church. She prophesied over me that I would meet a prophet named Bob Jones, who would come into my life and when he did my whole commission for ministry would start with the higher purposes of my calling and destiny. I knew of Bob and he had even prayed for me at a conference once before, but I had not been around him for many years. I wanted to seek him out but I knew I needed to wait on the sovereignty of God or else it would be human effort and God would not get the maximum glory He desired.
After a few years went by I asked my friend, “Theresa, it has been five years, are you sure about your prophetic word involving Bob Jones?” I seemed so far from meeting him. We were not even in ministry circles that related to each other much but I loved him in my heart.
She responded “You will meet him before the year 2003.” That seemed like an eternity away in 1998 when she said it, so I just let it go although it was always in my heart; historically Theresa has been such an accurate voice and a lover of God, I knew it had the earmark of reality in it.
Well into the midnight hour of the word, November of 2002, I had my way paid to go to a conference in Albany Oregon by Paul Keith and Wanda. We had met the previous month at a conference and they felt like I was supposed to come to Albany because it was going to be significant. They are like family with Bob Jones and the Lord had told them that I was supposed to meet him and the rest of their team (they didn’t know my word and they invited me, which I thought was exciting). I knew this was God and was amazed because it was one month from 2003! What an awesome fulfillment!
The Spirit of Herod Killing a Generation
The first night that I arrived in Albany we all went to dinner and Bob prophesied over me for a long while. He started: “I prophesied four years before abortion was legalized that the spirit of Herod was attacking a generation and was going to try and take out a whole generation of anointed leaders by legalizing abortion. I prophesied it again in 1973 that God was going to raise up the generation in 30 years that the enemy was targeting for destruction. Just like the same enemy tried to take out Moses and then Jesus.”
He asked me, “when were you born?” I told him April 26, 1974. He smiled and said ‘That means you were conceived in 1973 the very year that abortion was legalized and you are one of those that the enemy wanted to take out. Now that it is almost thirty years later, you are going to come into the very purpose of what you were created for. Your thirtieth birthday will be a key time.” I had a profound sense of destiny for our entire generation because of what the enemy had tried to rob us of by taking out so many.
Bob continued, “I also prophesied back then that there would be a partial reversing of the abortion law in January of 2003. It will happen.” In January of 2003, just as Bob had seen, President Bush revoked partial birth abortions in our nation. It was the 30th anniversary of legalized abortion in our country. God has brought numerous profound signs in our generation for who we are called to be and the seriousness of the day in which we are living.
The next day, November 21, 2002, after meeting Bob Jones, I had a spiritual experience while in the hotel room in Albany.
Spiritual Vision and Experience of Isaiah 22:22
In the experience I was in a heavenly vision and an angel who was sent to bring me to a higher place in heaven came to me. He said to me “Come let us go to the prophet’s house.” I was in awe because I was in heaven going to a prophet’s house! I wondered who it would be! He led me to an estate and we were on the outside of two enormous gates. They were golden gates that had words inscribed all through the bars. Beyond the gates there was a huge cloud of swirling light, color, and sound. I could barely see the actual house because of this, and I had no idea what I was really seeing because it was so awesome to me.
“This is the prophet’s house and it has been locked up for a very long time.” He looked at me and I felt great respect for him. He continued, “But I have the key to open the gates,” then he showed me a large golden key; “And I am going to open them on November 22, 2002.”
I said “But that’s tomorrow!” He smiled at me and I knew it was a parable because he didn’t explain it. I was going to have to find the hidden meaning later. “Whose house is this?” I asked, “Which prophet?” “Isaiah has been locked in his chambers for a long time,” was his response. I pictured him in there reading ancient books. I was given spiritual understanding that some of the promises of Isaiah were about to be released upon the earth and when I came out of the experience I began to ponder its meaning.
As I talked to a friend of mine about this, we began asking God “What passage in Isaiah are you highlighting?” and immediately I saw a calendar in front of me in an open vision. It pointed to a day, then that day came in front of me: November 22, 2002. Then I saw November and the two zeros go away and it read: 22, 22. I knew the Lord was speaking to me so we looked it up in the Bible. This is what we found:
In Isaiah 22, there was a man by the name of Shebna who was in charge of the palace of the King. He was an elder in Israel and he was wrongly using the riches of the palace by stealing for his own gain. This was a serious offense to the Lord because it was such a key position over the treasuries of God. The Lord rebuked him and took him out of his position because of this and appointed a young man, named Eliakim, which means “God of raising.” God is “raising” up a generation of Eliakims where many in the church have been like Shebna.
Shebna prostituted his position, using for personal gain the very leadership role that the Lord had appointed him to that was holy. Eliakim was believed to be a young man, maybe not even of the age of an elder yet but he was given the position by the Lord over the treasury of the kingdom. It was demanded of Shebna to give all of his authority over to Eliakim which was a great dishonor to Shebna because of Eliakims age and the fact that he was from a lesser family. Then the Lord told Eliakim an amazing thing in Isaiah 22:22:
“I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.”
This is the generation that God is raising up right now… a generation with a double portion. It will be a generation that carries a 22 pound heart; a heart that Isaiah 22:22 is written upon, that they can open a door that no man has ever opened to usher in the kingdom age of God! Also a generation that can shut a door to the old forms of religious expression that no longer are relevant; old wineskins, that no man will ever be able to resurrect with any anointing!
After getting understanding into this experience, I had two more visions:
Vision of the star falling
Immediately following this experience I saw a star falling, it seemed like the brightest star in the universe. I heard the voice of the Lord internally audibly proclaim out of Isaiah 14:12, “How you have fallen oh morning star, son of the dawn!”
This speaks about Satan falling from his high position in the heavens. The Lord spoke to me and said “the spirit of Herod has fallen from this generation! No longer will the persecution from the enemy be greater than the release of my Spirit in churches, cities, and countries.” I remembered Bob Jones’ word to our generation: Just like Herod tried to abort the promised child of Israel, there is a spirit like Herod that has been warring against this generation trying to take out anointed deliverers and his power is no more!
I heard the voice of the Lord; “How you have fallen oh Spirit of Herod.” Then I saw a generation looking at this spirit saying “Is this the one who killed so many of us, who tried to abort our purpose? The one who had us trapped in the desert, who overthrew the justice of God in our nations and who brought us into captivity?”
He had no more power compared to the power that God was offering this generation!
Open Vision of Angel and the Peg
Right after that vision I was hit on the head by something in the natural. I opened my eyes and an angel was flying by in my hotel room holding a peg… like a railroad spike or large wooden stake.
I immediately went into intercession for my grandfather. His name is Ozzy Osborne (he is not the rock singer). He and my step grandmother have been leaders in the occult for many years and are recognized as leading spiritualists. They are a part of an organization that trains people how to hear spirits and heal the sick through these false spiritual powers. As I was praying for him I realized that his life was being sustained by demonic powers. He was old and has had several heart attacks but has still miraculously lived. The Lord gave me a promise when I was in my teen’s that He would visit Ozzy before He died, giving Him mercy if Ozzy would accept Him.
As I was interceding, I heard the voice of the Lord say “I am removing your grandfather who has been a curse to you and your family.” I realized it was out of the passage of Isaiah 22:25 and symbolically the angel that had just flown by had taken out the peg that was driven into the firm place (Shebna’s support) so that the new peg could be driven in (Eliakim).
I heard the Lord again: “I am removing your grandfather from your family as a sign that every obstacle that has been in the way of your generation from entering into its fullness would be removed. Just as the spirit of Herod’s power has been removed, your grandfather represents influence of that power and is being removed so that there can be a calling forth of spiritual heritage.”
I told my friends, Paul Keith and Wanda Davis this after the experience. The very next day on November 22, 2002, my Grandfather died in his sleep.
God is serious about what he is willing to do for this generation to be given an expansion from heaven to carry His heart to the ends of the earth. He will let nothing stop us from His goal.
Hiedi Baker is a woman of God from Mozambique, Africa. Our team recently was able to minister with her at a conference in Red Deer, Canada. She shared an experience she had. It was a powerful heavenly experience in which she saw a line of chariots coming down from heaven from the throne of God where Jesus was. There were two transparent riders per chariot, and they had a humongous heart inside their chest that went from shoulder to enlarged heart!
She was also able to see inside the breast of Jesus as well and His heart was a shoulder to shoulder heart. It was beating intensely and as she looked at those riding on the chariots she saw that their hearts were beating in perfect cadence with the heart of Jesus! It was a holy rhythm of heart beating; representing that these riding upon the chariots were moving in the clouds of Heaven to represent the moves of God that will be in perfect sync with the very heart of Jesus.
This is what the generation of the twenty two pound heart will look like…those who ride upon the wings of the wind, in sync with the very desire of Jesus. Chariots represent vehicles of ministry from heaven being released upon the earth that will carry a supernatural stewardship of love that will birth signs and wonders, healings, and a prophetic anointing.
Much has been invested in this multi-generational plan of Heaven to demonstrate the power and glory of Jesus in this day. Our adversary has fought diligently to eradicate a generation in hopes of frustrating the plan of God. However, the Lord will have His day and a body of radical warriors who possess the heart of champions that beats in perfect unison with His.
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