Saturday, January 5, 2008

KIM CLEMENT: "There will be PROPHETS in Science, Business, Households, the Music Industry and the Media"


kim clementNovember 3, 2007--Whittier, California

God says, "I am going to do something that I have never done before in this Nation. It is going to come and arise from the very ugly marketplace."

God says, "Do you have the audacity to believe that from the pornographic industry I can raise voices, I can raise prophets, and I can take the impurest and make a pure voice? So that I can send them back, and take them from the multi, multi, multi, multi-billion dollar profitable concern--to a loss."

The Spirit of God said, "I just felt the audacity of the people; I felt them saying, 'I don't care what it is that He says, I'll believe it.'"

In 1947, August the 15th, India was liberated. Millions and millions of Indians were liberated in 1947. And the Spirit of God says, "I speak to you tonight that out of India, has arisen a power that will link its strength with the United States. There shall be an unusual marked increase in huge and mass evangelism in India. Why do I speak about this from here? For there has been that which has been concealed between India and Pakistan that must be made known. There are signatures and then liberation again, and this Nation shall benefit greatly from it," says the Lord, "for hidden information shall become known because of this." I make a declaration tonight to the liberation of India.


India, Israel, Pakistan--I see an invasion of God's light and liberation between 2007 and 2008. The Spirit of God says, "Watch what I do and what I announce from the streets of Jerusalem, from the streets of India, and from the caves of Pakistan--for America's sake and for the Kingdom of God," says the Lord of Hosts!

Make your pronouncement if you wish, second in command of Al Qaeda, what are you--a voice of insult, a voice that is no longer satisfying the youth of Islam. The youth of Islam are dissatisfied, they no longer consider the voice, the voices of Al Qaeda or any such as relevant.

America, get ready for your time of rest from your enemies for a season. Your airports--there is an invention that shall be coming forth in the summer of 2009 that will detect for miles. God said, "Do not fear and say that this is the antichrist; it is just technology, but for your good," says the Spirit. You are entering into a new season, now, raise your hands. Favor came and it continues.

November 4, 2007--Whittier, California

What is this sound of hypocrites that would say things, things that do not matter? Predicting when the second coming will take place. What is this that is coming? God says, "There shall be prophets in science, prophets in business, prophets in households, prophets in the music industry--greater than before. There will be prophets in the media, and they shall say, 'We welcome Yeshua into our lives and into our homes.'"

"There shall be appearances, great, great appearances. There shall be appearances as you have never seen. Why would My people not believe that I can come and appear in the most remote places on the earth?"

"Whittier, where will you be 10 years from now? For the sounds that come forth and come out of this place can literally shake an area that is riddled with gangs. I can take gangs and raise them to be preachers of the street. What you do tonight determines what will happen when the earth shakes and they cry out and they say, 'This is judgment from God.' What you do tonight will determine the outcome, but when it does shake, it will not shake to destroy, but will shake to destroy the powers that have ruled and the principalities that have ruled since 1939."

"For in the year 2009, there shall be a huge earthquake." God says, "I will keep My people; it will be a sign. In that day, it shall be a great, great sign of how God intervened. They shall say, 'Judgment, judgment,' but I shall tell them the truth--for what happens tonight will determine what takes place in 2009. For it shall be a historical event, for people will say, 'I was in the meeting when the prophet prophesied it. It is for a sign.'"

"For what the government shall do regarding those that have come across the border." God says, "I will take the Spanish people, the Latin people, and there will be a great upheaval in 2009, and My Spirit shall fall upon them in a huge way. Illegals will become legal," and God says, "I will turn things around. I will turn it around, and the Nation shall be divided and as they send drugs in from Mexico to destroy the people of this Nation--so I will send a voice from Mexico to bless the people of this Nation. Therefore, rejoice for a great move of My Spirit is about to take place. Even though your earth shall shake, I will keep you and I will then shake the powers of hell."

"America, do you understand that I, the Lord, am returning to your political powers? I am returning into your educational system. America, do you understand, I am returning into your legal system? I write the rules." God says, "I write the rules and I will change certain laws in this nation. The president that I place into the White House shall enter with unbelief, and during his period of reign, I will raise up a believer filled with My Spirit," says the Lord of Hosts.

Let everything that is impossible become possible tonight! Impossibility will never be when the Holy One reigns. God says, "What was impossible has become possible." God says, "I hear you as a mighty army. I don't hear dead bones, I hear a mighty army. The enemy hears a mighty army. What was impossible yesterday has suddenly become possible tomorrow. Everything that has been impossible has suddenly become possible," says the Lord of Hosts.


God is preparing us for this new encounter. "There's so much unbelief in the hearts of My people because of the destructive ways of the Church that has not been built by Christ, but by man; a system that laughed and mocked even Jesus." He said to me, "Tell My people there's a door open and a new encounter. Why do you insult Me by saying that this is a hard thing for the Lord to do?" The Spirit of the Lord says tonight, "For the few that have gathered around the prophet, the desire for destiny to be released is so great. Now gather around this prophet at this altar to receive your tomorrow, today. Come."

The word that is coming to us tonight is you've pierced the veil. You've come beyond the veil of limitation and entered into an unlimited dimension where an encounter with God is inevitable, as well as a breakthrough that has been waited for--tarrying is over.

It's time for the vision to speak--it's time for it to manifest and so it shall be.

Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions

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