Thursday, January 3, 2008

Superhumans - Supernatural Powers & Abilities

A reporter/journalist from the media recently asked me these questions. Below are my answers.

- How are superhuman abilities possible?

The Spirit of Almighty God fills willing and obedient hearts. The divine power of the Creator flows like a river. When humans learn His Word, understand His ways, and dare to believe with childlike faith the Lord works miraculously through humanity.

- What explanations do science and medicine give for the development of such abilities?

I don't know science and medicine as this is not my specialty. However much has been documented scientifically that faith helps the healing process. Medicine also has acknowledged numerous unexplainable miracles in the lives of terminally ill patients who they thought would soon die.

Do you have specific examples?

I have seen kidney stones pass, deaf ears open, blind eyes see, the lame walk, and the mute speak after I prayed for them in Jesus' Name!

- What are some of the tangible benefits of superhuman abilities from both a personal and mankind's perspective?

An increased sense of certainty, divine discernment to avoid making stupid decisions and mistakes, physical healing, liberation from demonic influences, and powerful divine manifestations to change the natural world for the better.

- Humans with extraordinary abilities are often chronicled in comic books. But do you think some of these powers are at least credible or possible? For example, the fire-wielding ability of the Human Torch (Fantastic Four) and Pyro (X-men).

Supernatural giftings and abilities are undoubtedly credible and they who operate in them incredible. As for supernatural fire, my life and ministry attests to and affirms this in my book Supernatural Fire.

As a worldwide minister who moves in the miraculous and supernatural, it is worthy of noting that God uses whosoever will. Another words God looks for availability more than ability. When we are weak and trust in Him, God shows Himself strong.

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