Thursday, January 17, 2008

"The Kingdom of God is Emerging--God's Word will be Displayed in Power and Action"

November 19, 2007


"The Kingdom of God is more than a good method or a great message. It consists not of eloquent words--but is a demonstration of the power of God."

Jesus Christ is the most single-minded person who has ever lived. His entire earthly life, including the whole of His public ministry, was focused on one thing: announcing and establishing the Kingdom of God on earth. He announced it with His preaching, teaching and healing; He established it through His death and resurrection. The first recorded words of Jesus deals with the Kingdom: "From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, 'Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand'" (Matthew 4:17).

When Jesus taught His disciples how to pray, the first thing He told them to ask of the Father was for His Kingdom to come to earth: "In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your Kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in Heaven" (Matthew 6:9-10).

Because the Kingdom of God was so central to the purposes and plans of Christ, He wanted His followers to constantly seek after its unveiling. If the Kingdom of Heaven was Jesus' central priority, it must be ours as well. We must keep the main thing the main thing.

The phrases "Kingdom of God" and "Kingdom of Heaven" are a common and fundamental part of Biblical theology, with the word "Kingdom" appearing 150 times in the New Testament alone. Its root meaning is God's royal kingship and power, His divine authority to lead and rule. God is the supreme ruler over all creation. The royal rule of Christ is invincible, imperishable and will last forever (see Colossians 1:13-20, Revelation 1:8).

Jesus declared that this Gospel of the Kingdom was to be preached in all the world. Our mission on earth is to obey Him, and we need His anointing to empower us to carry out His command. As the Body of Christ, we are to live a life so yielded to Jesus that the Kingdom (the power and authority) of God is recognized here on earth, even by those who do not believe. We are to be so obedient to our King that His Kingdom will be expressed on this earth to an ever-increasing extent--no matter how much the influence of the powers of darkness grows--just as it will be shown in its fullness at the end of the age.

The Kingdom of God is more than a good method or a great message. It consists not of eloquent words--but is a demonstration of the power of God. A well-delivered sermon or an expertly reasoned teaching is not enough; people need to see God's power on display. The people of this generation are ready to see God's Word displayed in power and action. Only then will they begin to see and believe in the Kingdom of God and to trust Christ as their Savior and Lord.

The Works of Jesus--We Are Ambassadors

As Jesus Himself stated boldly: "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it" (John 14:12-14).

Every true believer is to be doing the works of Jesus; this is the evidence of the Kingdom of God. We are here on earth to do the very works of Jesus. This is the ministry of the Kingdom. If we are to be doing the works of Jesus, we would do well to understand what works He did.

Matthew 4:23–24 gives us a clear picture: "And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people. Then His fame went throughout all Syria; and they brought to Him all sick people who were afflicted with various diseases and torments, and those who were demon-possessed, epileptics, and paralytics; and He healed them."

We are to preach the good news of salvation, teach the Scriptures, heal the sick, and set the captives free--just as Jesus did.

To distract us from declaring and displaying these works, the enemy of our soul attempts to get us to look and live in the past. Many believers today seem to prefer to reminisce about the mighty moves of God in former times rather than get involved with what He is doing now. While we should be thankful to God for every move of the Spirit, we can't live life always looking back. We aren't going to move forward very fast if we're always staring in the rearview mirror. We must see God at work in our day today. God is the God of the NOW! He is the great "I AM" who encompasses eternity.

Paul describes our mission and commission in terms of government and diplomacy when he says that we are "ambassadors for Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:20). The word "ambassador" is the English translation of the Greek word "presbeuo," which has the root meaning of being a senior representative possessing power and authority. An ambassador represents the government that appointed him. His power and authority are delegated. When he speaks in his official capacity as ambassador, his voice is the voice of the government he represents.

In the same way we, as God's ambassadors, represent His government--His Kingdom--here on earth. He has delegated His power and authority to us for that purpose. If we are His ambassadors, we have His authority to act in His name and on His behalf. This power and authority are actively at work in us right now!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! We are to declare the same message as our Master. He has entrusted His Body, the Church, with the administration and expansion of His Kingdom on earth, which He established. We must extend to the world the same invitation as Jesus did when He said, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). This is an open-ended invitation for all who will to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

The time is now! The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


God's Supernatural Power
by Bobby Conner

Read more about this book...

Bobby Conner
EaglesView Ministries

Saturday, January 12, 2008

"Entrepreneurs, Creative People and Marketplace Warriors--BREAK DOWN THE WALLS!"

January 4, 2008


I feel there are many of you who are working in the marketplace, and you are full of creative ideas that have not been fulfilled yet, so I am sharing more of this with you today.

In short, this message centers around the point that Moses is dead and the Lord is releasing a Joshua Generation. Please read the following Scriptures:

Joshua 1:2-3, "'Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all these people, to the land which I am giving to them--the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses.'"

Joshua 6:1-2, "Now Jericho was securely shut up because of the children of Israel; none went out, and none came in. And the LORD said to Joshua: 'See! I have given Jericho into your hand, its king, and the mighty men of valor.'"

A Church Without Walls

I feel that the Lord is releasing many new movements on the earth and one of the movements is called "The Third Day Movement." I feel the Lord wants to release a Church without walls. He wants to mobilize the men and women to do exploits in the name of the King. There needs to be a cry inside of us that we will be ones who will do exploits for the King of Glory. Amen?

When we remember Moses, it says he lived to be 120 years old. His eyes were not dim, but because of his disobedience, he was only able to see the Promised Land and not go into it, but he prayed for Joshua and gave him wisdom.

Are You a Giant-killer or a Grasshopper?

Now, I want to go back into Moses' time a little. We all know the story about the twelve spies. We know how they went into the Promised Land, and they saw the giants. They came back and they said, "There are giants in the land--and we are like grasshoppers." The only ones who "had faith" to go into the land were Joshua and Caleb.

I feel that the Lord wants to stir faith inside of us that we are not grasshoppers. I think there is something in us that says, "The giants are so big, and the strongholds of Jericho are so huge. Would God ever give us divine strategies to take down these strongholds in our lives, and in the lives of our families and friends?" There needs to be a switch to something inside us faithfully saying, "Lord, You will give us divine strategies. We just have to take one step at a time."

Do You Have the Faith for the Radical Things of God?

You see, they weren't able to go into the Promised Land because of their unbelief. They wouldn't believe their God, so they were willing to continue in the wilderness and in a place of familiarity. Often in the Church, we are used to what is comfortable and familiar. I feel the Lord is saying, "I want to use fresh strategies and fresh impartations of My Spirit. I want you to break out of My old familiar wineskins."

There needs to be a cry inside of you that you are willing to be forerunners--revolutionists--willing to take the glory of the Lord outside the walls of the Church into the educational and political systems, the music industry, entertainment, the marketplace, and that you are willing to move in the radical things of God.

Do You Cry for a Visitation?

There needs to be a cry in you that says, "Lord, I want You to break out in the marketplace." I feel that the Lord is saying, "Are you willing to move in the times and the seasons like Daniel, like Joshua?" Is your cry, "Lord, I want to get the fresh strategies in our world for what You are doing in our lives." There needs to be that cry that says, "Lord, I want more of You."

Those before us were willing to live in the miracles. Moses had radical 40-day and night visitations. There needs to be a cry in you that says, "I want those visitations. I want an encountering and a gripping. I want to meet my Jesus, face-to-face."

There needs to be a cry in you that says, "Lord, the platform of the Church is too small; but Lord, where can You radically use me to impact my world in everyday life, as a prophet, evangelist, teacher and preacher with prophetic words and words of knowledge that can impact my world and bring a shaking of the Kingdom of God?"

Be Fearlessly Radical Among the Rich

I want you to not only be able to move in the Church, but be able to have "suddenlies" of the Lord--be able to have sounds in the secular world that can start to bring the presence of Jesus Christ into stadiums for the purposes of God.

Why not have a dream? Why not develop radical inventions? Why not move in the medical community with radical intelligence to bring cures of leukemia and cancer? Some of you have been gifted in the medical field; you've been gifted in science; you've been given a sharpness.

I think so often in the Church we say, "Yes, Lord, we should get everyone ministering to the streets." We talk about the inner-city, and I feel that the Lord says, "It's not just the inner-city. It's not just the poorest of the poor. I want you to be able to go to the rich. I want you to be able to go to the influential. I want you to be able to go to the educational and political systems and impact your world, radically."

Why Not Dream Big?

Why do we only sanction taking "a tract" and going to the street corner, when many of us are so gifted? You need to move in your gifting and use your education to activate radical strategies that will break open the King of Glory to move in your midst.

You Have More Than You May Realize!

You see, some of you are saying, "I don't have anything." But if you have a word of God, it will open up doors, and you can go into the courts of kings. The Lord is going to change how the prophets are used. We have gotten into a conference mentality.

More and more, the most radical prophetic voices are going to move almost like invisible men and women behind the scenes to go and talk to kings, prime ministers and leaders in the world. Many of them you would never know on the platform of a Church, and many of them you would never see on a conference itinerary, yet, they are used radically as brokers for the King of Glory.


Whatever your gift is, the Lord will use it. Whatever your talent is, the world will use it. Many times, the fivefolders have sinned against the business and education system. They've said that the only place to use your gifts is from the platform instead of empowering you to sit at corporate board tables as stockbrokers, as educators--where you can give the prophetic word of the Lord and change the course of an entire corporation for Jesus Christ.

We need to stop being envious and pining away for the Church platform and start being about the business of Jesus Christ. "Arriving" does not mean standing on the platform of a Church. We are in a prophetic journey our whole lives. We need to carry the presence and love of Jesus wherever we go. In one place, you will give a word, in another, one person will get saved, and in another, delivered. That is part of moving in the Gospel of Jesus. We need to bring the Kingdom of God into everyday life. It is not enough to just sit in conferences.

If You Give It Away, He Will Multiply It Over and Over Again

When did you last dream and ask for prophetic revelation of inventions that would change the world trends in music? How about songs that would change history? How radical do you want to be? How entrepreneurial? In everyday life, are you radical for Jesus? Is your cry, "Lord, let me see the broken, let me see the weak, let me see the despised." You have to be willing to let God customize your own death. Now, when Joshua was going to go into Jericho, he sent two spies. They went into Jericho and they met Rahab, a prostitute.

When you go into the music or computer industries, you are going to meet Rahab. You are going to meet the gentiles. You are going to meet the prostitutes. You are going to meet the ones who say with terror in their hearts, "I heard about your God," and you are going to bring salvation for their whole generation. Did you know that Rahab is in the line of Jesus Christ--she is the great, great grandmother of Jesus!

Are you willing to meet Rahab? Are you willing to meet the prostitutes? Not just the prostitute on the street corner--that radical gentile, that sexually perverted person in the music, entertainment or computer industry? Is there something in us that says, "Give us a radical word in season that will break open their sin, bring deliverance and bring them to Jesus Christ?" You see, if you really loved Him, you would give Him away. If He is your first love, what else would you do but talk about Him?

For Joshua, the Jordan was in flood season. They had to believe for a miracle. Many times when God breaks you out of the old familiar things and brings you to the new, you have to go through the flood waters. There were wild lions around the river, there was a cry for strategies. But after three days Joshua gave the word of the Lord saying, "And as soon as the priests who carry the Ark of the LORD--the Lord of all the earth--set foot in the Jordan, its waters flowing downstream will be cut off and stand up in a heap." Joshua 3:13

The Ark carried the glory and the presence of God. There needs to be a cry in us that as we start to transition from the old to the new, we carry the glory and the presence of God. There needs to be a cry in us to press into the face of Jesus with hunger and passion, no matter what crosses our path.

How hungry are you? You can't do it without Him. The Jordan symbolized death, the Lord is going to kill a lot of old wineskins. It is not enough to just remember the miracles of years past. Are you moving with signs and wonders now? Are you moving with a fresh anointing of the presence of God now? Are you seeing people healed and saved? Are you crying out, saying, "Lord, I want You?"

Or Are We Barren With No Salvation?

You see, it is not enough to just have a fire party. The presence and the fire of God comes to grip us with that radical first love so that everybody will be healed, saved and delivered. There is an empowering fire, and it is not just for you.

See, the Lord is saying, "Wake up Bride." I want the sleeping giant of the Church to wake up. Come on. "Arriving" is not the platform of the Church. If you just look up at people there and don't take what they're offering to be equipped and do the things of God, it is idolatry.

Idolatry Is Self-seeking, It Is Not God-seeking

So, Joshua and the Israelites arrive to the other side, and their enemies are afraid. The Lord could have said, "Joshua, now is the time to take out Jericho." But instead, God had him call a meeting with all the warriors. And Joshua called all the men forward and took a flint knife and circumcised them!

Ladies, we can relate to this because the Lord circumcises our hearts, too. Why would the Lord take a whole army and put them in a place of radical weakness and dependability on the King of Glory? They could have gone on their own strength.

In approaching Jericho, the men of war were already terrified. They had terror because they remembered the miracles that took place with the Red Sea. They knew that the God of Jehovah was in their midst. He wanted them circumcised. He wanted a fresh covenant because they were moving into a holy war.

Will You Let the Lord Circumcise Your Heart?

I believe the Lord is saying, "Many of you need to be circumcised with a fresh anointing and a fresh repentance to move into that place of a fresh covenant; to move into that place of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to be able to go in and take the land."

Joshua is on a faith journey; it is not any different than ours. Suddenly, we have the flood waters. We have to follow the Lord. There is nothing else that we can do besides follow the Lord. Then our hearts are circumcised. The enemy could have come in and wiped them out, but from a great place of vulnerability and for weeks in recovery, they had to trust in their God.

From a Place of Humility, Visitation Comes

Then the Lord came with a divine visitation. The Captain of the Hosts showed up, and He gave them divine strategies to take down Jericho. How does He give you strategies to take down the strongholds in your own life? Do you ask the Lord for divine visitations and strategies or is your knowledge of the Lord simply, "If He comes, I will get into the river."

I tell you people, getting in the river is not enough. Getting a little warm feeling is nice, but it is not enough. There needs to be a radical gripping of God. A gripping in the depths of who you are. No one can make this happen because there is a sovereignty of God that can only make it happen. There is a place that you can position your love and your hearts.

Each One Of Us Is Moses!

Each one of us is used to moving in the old familiar ways. We are in a season where the Lord wants to break us out of our old familiar paradigms and break us into a place to be a militant "Joshua Generation." Each one of us is at a crossroads of the Jordan. God is inviting us to die.

The Jordan represents the Cross. We die to our selfishness; we die to just us receiving and not giving away. You want a multiplication of the prophetic, you need to start prophesying. You want a multiplication of the gift of healing, then pray for the sick. You want a multiplication of moving in wisdom to counsel people, then ask God to give you wisdom and strategies for others' lives. If you start to move into the Kingdom, He will give you more. If you just go home and say we had a radical, wild conference, but you are not on fire, starting to give away Jesus, then you missed it.

Is Moses Dead?

I ask you again, are you just a little grasshopper? Or, is there something in you that says, "We have a big God. We have a God Who can take down giants. We have a God Who can take down every city and every stronghold. We can go before Him. We have a God Who can move on our behalf."

This is a word of freedom. It is a word to make you mobilized. This is a word to cause us to say to ourselves and others, "Go for it! Move in God! Go for it! Be radical, fiery Brides for the King of Glory! Take the land! Take the territory for God."

I want there to be a jealousy--a holy jealousy, so you say, "Why not me? Lord, You could use a Gideon, why not me? Lord, You could use a David, why not me? Lord, You could use a little girl named Esther and make her a Queen. Lord, why not me? Lord, You could use my life. You used a Mary, why not me? Why can't You use my life?"

You See, He Can Use YOU!

Are you a Moses? Or a Joshua?

Ladies, are you grasshoppers and think only the men can be generals? Do you think you can hold things in the Spirit? Can the Lord use you to move armies and come up with radical strategies for the King of Glory? Or, is it only the guys, and we get to be their shadows?

And guys, are you saying, "This little light of mine, a little flicker?" Or are you a blazing torch?

There needs to be a cry that we are willing...

Dancing with Destiny: Awaken Your Heart to Dream, to Love, to War
by Jill Austin

Read more about this book...

Jill Austin
Master Potter Ministries

Monday, January 7, 2008



1. We are making tremendous progress in spreading the gospel: 35,000 saved in India, 40,000 in China, 35,000 in Latin America.

2. Every day, 178,000 become believers around the world. That amounts to one million people a week, 52 million a year. We have entered the greatest harvest time in history.

3. Indonesia is 35% Christian.

4. After 70 years of oppression, the former Soviet Union now has 100 million Christians, five times the membership of the Communist party at the height of its popularity.

5. Mongolia has ended its 2,000-year drought.

6. There are more Christians in Nepal than in Japan today. Strongholds of Hinduism in Nepal are falling.

7. Nigeria has the largest church building. A man dead four days was resurrected.

8. More Muslims in Iran have come to know Christ since 1980, than during the previous 1,000 years combined. Before Khomeini's revolution in 1979, there were only 2,000 Iranian believers. Despite years of intense persecution since the Shah fell, more than 30,000 to 60,000 Iranians have become saved.

9. I heard that as 25 mullahs were returning from Mecca to Nigeria, Jesus appeared to them and they all gave their hearts to the Lord.

10. In A.D. 100, there were 360 non-believers for every Christian. Now the ratio is 5.8 non-believers to every believer.

11. In Latin America, 400 people come to Christ every hour. In the last decade, the number of evangelical Protestants grew from 18.6 million to 59.4 million. That is a 320 percent increase, nine times the growth rate of the population.

12. Until recently, we have been losing the battle. Historically, it has taken one missionary’s lifetime to win one convert.

13. More Muslims have been converted in the past 25 years than the previous years put together.

14. Thirty years ago, no Messianic congregations existed. Today, there are 6,000 Jewish believers, and more than 40 congregations.


1. Today, 4.5 billion people remain unevangelized; 3 billion belong to unreached people groups. Unreached means they have no access to the gospel.

2. Out of 12,000 ethno-linguistic peoples of the world, 10,000 already have a church planting movement. There remain 1,685 unreached people groups.

3. One billion people are Muslims.

4. The story of Coke in Haiti.

5. Two days after Princess Diana died in a car accident, the world knew; 2,000 years after the King of Kings was crucified, the world has yet to hear.

6. The Great Commission is more than evangelizing. It is making disciples. Planting churches is the most effective way to fulfill the Great Commission.

7. But without the power, the best strategy will not work. We need the power of the Holy Spirit to get the job done right.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

KIM CLEMENT: "There will be PROPHETS in Science, Business, Households, the Music Industry and the Media"


kim clementNovember 3, 2007--Whittier, California

God says, "I am going to do something that I have never done before in this Nation. It is going to come and arise from the very ugly marketplace."

God says, "Do you have the audacity to believe that from the pornographic industry I can raise voices, I can raise prophets, and I can take the impurest and make a pure voice? So that I can send them back, and take them from the multi, multi, multi, multi-billion dollar profitable concern--to a loss."

The Spirit of God said, "I just felt the audacity of the people; I felt them saying, 'I don't care what it is that He says, I'll believe it.'"

In 1947, August the 15th, India was liberated. Millions and millions of Indians were liberated in 1947. And the Spirit of God says, "I speak to you tonight that out of India, has arisen a power that will link its strength with the United States. There shall be an unusual marked increase in huge and mass evangelism in India. Why do I speak about this from here? For there has been that which has been concealed between India and Pakistan that must be made known. There are signatures and then liberation again, and this Nation shall benefit greatly from it," says the Lord, "for hidden information shall become known because of this." I make a declaration tonight to the liberation of India.


India, Israel, Pakistan--I see an invasion of God's light and liberation between 2007 and 2008. The Spirit of God says, "Watch what I do and what I announce from the streets of Jerusalem, from the streets of India, and from the caves of Pakistan--for America's sake and for the Kingdom of God," says the Lord of Hosts!

Make your pronouncement if you wish, second in command of Al Qaeda, what are you--a voice of insult, a voice that is no longer satisfying the youth of Islam. The youth of Islam are dissatisfied, they no longer consider the voice, the voices of Al Qaeda or any such as relevant.

America, get ready for your time of rest from your enemies for a season. Your airports--there is an invention that shall be coming forth in the summer of 2009 that will detect for miles. God said, "Do not fear and say that this is the antichrist; it is just technology, but for your good," says the Spirit. You are entering into a new season, now, raise your hands. Favor came and it continues.

November 4, 2007--Whittier, California

What is this sound of hypocrites that would say things, things that do not matter? Predicting when the second coming will take place. What is this that is coming? God says, "There shall be prophets in science, prophets in business, prophets in households, prophets in the music industry--greater than before. There will be prophets in the media, and they shall say, 'We welcome Yeshua into our lives and into our homes.'"

"There shall be appearances, great, great appearances. There shall be appearances as you have never seen. Why would My people not believe that I can come and appear in the most remote places on the earth?"

"Whittier, where will you be 10 years from now? For the sounds that come forth and come out of this place can literally shake an area that is riddled with gangs. I can take gangs and raise them to be preachers of the street. What you do tonight determines what will happen when the earth shakes and they cry out and they say, 'This is judgment from God.' What you do tonight will determine the outcome, but when it does shake, it will not shake to destroy, but will shake to destroy the powers that have ruled and the principalities that have ruled since 1939."

"For in the year 2009, there shall be a huge earthquake." God says, "I will keep My people; it will be a sign. In that day, it shall be a great, great sign of how God intervened. They shall say, 'Judgment, judgment,' but I shall tell them the truth--for what happens tonight will determine what takes place in 2009. For it shall be a historical event, for people will say, 'I was in the meeting when the prophet prophesied it. It is for a sign.'"

"For what the government shall do regarding those that have come across the border." God says, "I will take the Spanish people, the Latin people, and there will be a great upheaval in 2009, and My Spirit shall fall upon them in a huge way. Illegals will become legal," and God says, "I will turn things around. I will turn it around, and the Nation shall be divided and as they send drugs in from Mexico to destroy the people of this Nation--so I will send a voice from Mexico to bless the people of this Nation. Therefore, rejoice for a great move of My Spirit is about to take place. Even though your earth shall shake, I will keep you and I will then shake the powers of hell."

"America, do you understand that I, the Lord, am returning to your political powers? I am returning into your educational system. America, do you understand, I am returning into your legal system? I write the rules." God says, "I write the rules and I will change certain laws in this nation. The president that I place into the White House shall enter with unbelief, and during his period of reign, I will raise up a believer filled with My Spirit," says the Lord of Hosts.

Let everything that is impossible become possible tonight! Impossibility will never be when the Holy One reigns. God says, "What was impossible has become possible." God says, "I hear you as a mighty army. I don't hear dead bones, I hear a mighty army. The enemy hears a mighty army. What was impossible yesterday has suddenly become possible tomorrow. Everything that has been impossible has suddenly become possible," says the Lord of Hosts.


God is preparing us for this new encounter. "There's so much unbelief in the hearts of My people because of the destructive ways of the Church that has not been built by Christ, but by man; a system that laughed and mocked even Jesus." He said to me, "Tell My people there's a door open and a new encounter. Why do you insult Me by saying that this is a hard thing for the Lord to do?" The Spirit of the Lord says tonight, "For the few that have gathered around the prophet, the desire for destiny to be released is so great. Now gather around this prophet at this altar to receive your tomorrow, today. Come."

The word that is coming to us tonight is you've pierced the veil. You've come beyond the veil of limitation and entered into an unlimited dimension where an encounter with God is inevitable, as well as a breakthrough that has been waited for--tarrying is over.

It's time for the vision to speak--it's time for it to manifest and so it shall be.

Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions

from The Cartoon Church

Friday, January 4, 2008

Environmentally Insane - Scientists to make cows fart like kangaroos

Lol...Its amazing to me that so many call Christians radical. God made us to be caretakers of the earth, but I believe that the greenhouse effect is really a non-issue. Even true believers are getting caught up in the hype.

Just like Y2K this is a scare tactic of the enemy to steal resources and take focus off issues that really mean something, like the poor and needy. God is still in control.

Scientists to make cows fart like kangaroos


Posted by Mark Frauenfelder, January 4, 2008 10:17 AM | permalink

Cow farts contain methane, a greenhouse gas. Kangaroo farts do not. So scientists in Australia are going to transfer intestinal bacteria of kangaroos into cattle and see what happens.

According to the government of Queensland, almost 14% of all greenhouse gas emissions from Australia come from cow farts, so this seemingly silly idea could actually make a big difference.

Boing Boing

Supernatural Photos

Some of these are hard to make out but others are very clear. There are angels, lights, gemstones that just appeared, gold dust, manna, etc...

We don't base our faith on signs and wonders but they are like little kisses the Lord sometimes gives;  just to show his love. These are simply tokens of what God is getting ready to do.

They are from Patricia kings site Extreme Prophetic 

Can you tell what they are? The first one is my favorite.

Angel Campfire Orbs Fire Flagging Lights Front Flagging Lights Rear Idaho Rainbow Gold Leaf Light and Mist Lights on Right Orb Prefire Visit Purple Angel Shirley with Gemstones Stones Morning Star Stone Yellow Star Stones Stones Wow Three Racer Lights Cloud July Orbs 1 Orbs 2 Orbs 3 Orbs 4 Orbs 5 Orbs 6 Orbs 7 Orbs 8 Orbs 9 Orbs 10 Orbs 11

Extreme Prophetic

•:*♥:*• Sapphire Dust and Oil From Heaven!


Blue on forehead Blue Head Hand Sleeve and Hand Dusting Off Head Oil on Hands Joshua and Hands Joshua on Towel Coat Sleeve Oil Glass Oil on Shoe Saphire Everywhere More Glitter Dripping Hand Oil Oil Hands Pouring

Extreme Prophetic