Thursday, January 3, 2008


 "The Glory will intensify as believers come together to offer their love and devotion as an offering to the Lord of Glory."


Recently I heard the Lord ask me, "Jeff, what does real revival look like?" As I pondered the question, I thought what revival might have looked like when Sam Jones, the great itinerate revivalist came through Nashville preaching in the late 1800's. In that revival, the gambling casinos and bars closed, and the whiskey barrels were rolled down 2nd Avenue and smashed into the Cumberland River. Heaven invaded Nashville and changed it forever.

I thought of Jonathan Edwards in 1725, during the Great Awakening that had spread throughout New England and the entire Thirteen Colonies. Some of the most extraordinary mass conversions took place among non-Christian Europeans as Edwards preached, and it was Edwards who said, "Lord, stamp eternity in my eyeballs so I can see things from Heaven's perspective." In those days, Edwards called for "concerts of prayer" and all night prayer sessions, praying for revival to sweep the nation.

I thought of John Wesley, who in 1738, went from town-to-town on horseback preaching and ministering to the needs of the poor, uneducated, unemployed, and orphans. Wesley would walk into a factory with the Spirit of Revival, and the factory would break out into weeping and repentance. He would sit in a restaurant and before he could be waited on, the people seated around him would begin to weep and run out of the building under the conviction of the Holy Spirit because of the overshadowing canopy of glory that rested on his life.


Recently, my wife Jan had an encounter with an angel in a revival service outside of Cincinnati, Ohio. She saw an angel appear as a man, tunneling up from the ground inside a modern church building. He looked old and dirty and had chains wrapped around him that had been broken. The angels stated that he was the angel of record keeping, and he had been buried underground for 114 years by the works of man and the temples built for the works of man.

The angel handed her a golden shovel and told her it was time to re-dig the wells. He showed her records that had been written containing accounts of the mighty works and exploits of the saints of God from earlier days. There was a library full of these records that had been buried and hidden by man's attempts to cover the acts of revival and the great exploits of God. He said that we were to re-dig those wells and reactivate the true works.

During this conference, we came to realize that 114 years prior, Maria Woodworth Etter came through preaching, teaching, and bringing revival to those in the Ohio region. Maria was from Ohio and frequently ministered there. There was a woman at our conference who had ministered along side Kathryn Kuhlman.

During the ministry time that evening, along with many miracles and healings, the Spirit of the Lord came on several of the women as they began to violently whip their heads back and forth as the women did during the Kentucky Cane Ridge Revival in the 1720's. We could actually hear the hair of their heads crack in the wind. The Lord did these things to show us that the angel of revival was there and was stirring the various anointings that were present during past revivals. The record books were being reopened and activated.


Throughout the history of this nation, revivalists rode the circuit bringing freshness into dead and dying regions covered up by the demonic and dead religious institutions. Kenneth Hagan prophesied in 2003, that "2006 would be the year of the return of the Glory of the Lord." Last year, we saw incredible explosions of the Glory of God evidenced by many wonderful tangible signs and wonders. As wonderful as 2006 was, it is to be the spring board for 2007 and beyond.

Get ready for the New Glory Revival! Get ready to see powerful demonstrations of God as these Glory Revivalists come through releasing the Kingdom of Power and Glory. The Glory will intensify as believers come together to offer their love and devotion as an offering to the Lord of Glory. The Lord will be transforming the hearts and minds of the multitudes in the understanding of who He is and how He moves, and hundreds, thousands, and millions will come to Christ and be drawn to the brightness of His shining.

I can see hot spots in the United States that will have ongoing Glory encounters with the restoration of open air meetings in large fields and tents that pack out in the thousands. We've witnessed some pretty remarkable things in past revivals, but it will all pale in comparison to the outpouring of this Glory Revival. Creative miracles will be common place as limbs grow out and body parts are recreated in front of the masses.

This move of God will cause the Tent Revivals of the 40's and 50's to dwarf in comparison as raw Supernatural Power and Glory is released over the multitudes with staggering effect. The healing waters of Ezekiel 47 are beginning to flow out from under the temple into regions that will transform the seas and rivers of putrid waters into new life, restoring fresh understanding of the true nature of God.


flames"The Lord is sending His fire to tenderize the landscape and prepare it for the mighty acts of Kingdom power."

These Glory Circuit Riders will release the "control burns" of Heaven that will burn away strangulating spiritual weeds and overgrowth in the landscape of regions that have been clogged and covered, allowing fresh oxygen, light, and nutrients to come forth again. Bob Jones recently told me that weeds are the thoughts of man and they tend to choke out faith. These controlled burns are sent by God to purify and prepare the land for new living encounters with God. Jeremiah 23:29 says, "'Is not My Word like fire?' says the Lord, 'and like a hammer that breaks in pieces the rock of most stubborn resistance.'"

The Lord is sending His fire to tenderize the landscape and prepare it for the mighty acts of Kingdom power. If we are to see the Glory of God return into our Churches and assemblies where there's a cloud of smoke by day and a pillar of fire by night, we must first see the spirit of burning and sifting that burns away all that is unnecessary. (Isaiah 4:4-5)

There's a deep hunger in God's people for "the God who answers by fire." These Glory Revivalists will reignite nations with the fire of God and will reintroduce us to the reality of the Kingdom of Power and Glory in our midst.


The Kingdom of God is meant to expand and have dominion over all other kingdoms and governments on the earth. Upon revealing Himself to His disciples after the resurrection, the thing foremost on Jesus' mind was talking with them about the Kingdom of God. Acts 1:3, "To them also He showed Himself alive after His passion by many convincing demonstrations and evidences and infallible proofs, appearing to them during forty days and TALKING TO THEM ABOUT THE THINGS PERTAINING TO THE KINGDOM OF GOD."

These Glory Revivalists will be revealing the knowledge of Glory of the Lord as in Colossians 2:2-3, "I want them to be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love. I want them to have complete confidence that they understand God’s mysterious plan, which is Christ himself. In Him lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. "

They will reveal the mystery of which was hidden for ages and generations (from angels and men), but now will be revealed to His holy people (the saints) which is Christ in us, the Hope of Glory. (Colossians 1:27)

Let's Pray:

"Father, thank You for revealing Yourself to us in this critical juncture of time. Thank You that we get to participate in this Glory Revival that will sweep the nation and the world in the greatest outpouring of Kingdom power the earth has ever seen.

Lord, create for Yourself a people who are completely Yours, and fill them with the knowledge of Your Glory that the world would come to see, recognize, and know You as the one and only King of Glory!"

Jeff Jansen
Global Fire Ministries


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