Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Throne Room Encounters June 2004

by Shawn Bolz

Since God's encounter with John resulting in the Book of Revelations, there has always been a remnant of people who have been hungry for the reality of the Throne Room. It is their earnest pursuit to see Jesus in His glory even while still on earth. Every generation had someone who was contending for this spiritual reality.

In our immaturity, modern prophetic experience has watered down the true pursuit of the holiness that comes with this type of experience. There is one primary distinction that sets apart a vessel for Throne Room Encounters; those who hunger for the reality of Heavenly encounters are pursuing it so that they might share in the burning desire of Jesus for His reward. They don't want to just have a manifestation of gifting or an encounter so that they can know future events but they have a longing to know Jesus the way He longs to be known.

There are many lesser manifestations that are going on in the body of Christ today that people, out of inexperience or lack of knowledge, are calling Throne Room visitation. Some of these experiences have measures of reality but they are limited by human imagination. God releases these because there is a sincere desire to see into Heaven and know the realities of the spiritual world. We must understand though, the difference between lesser experiences which still have incredible value, and encounters in the Throne Room.

Historically, there are many reported ways people have visited God's Throne Room. It is good to look at the many diverse types. Each way of visiting is different and several of the ways brings more weight to the experience than others. If someone was raised from the dead after spending time in Heaven, then it is usually much more credible to the average human to believe than a mere vision. This does not mean that the vision can't hold the same authority as the other experience as it relates to God's intended goal for it, but it most likely will not.

Unlike common prophetic experiences and revelations, Throne Room encounters have an eternal quality about them. These types of experiences can not be forgotten even down to the smallest detail. They are written upon our hearts; these experiences are glimpses of our eternal reality and will not go away because they are forever. Whereas, a revelation or vision may fade in our minds once it has fulfilled its course.

There are five categories that one might encounter a Third Heaven visitation (Throne Room Experience) Here are some of the ways people visit:

1. Through Visions
2. Visitations
3. Near Death Experiences
4. Out of Body Experiences
5. Translated to Heaven

One thing that seems to mark everyone who has visited Heaven is the lack of language they seem to have for what they have seen. Like it was said earlier, they remember everything yet have no language for what it all was. They have had hours and hours of talks with God or spiritual beings and yet when they communicate these countless hours, they can't find words to articulate the depth of what they saw. Roland Buck struggled with this and expressed it in his book Angels on Assignment:

"I have written these encounters and messages with the limitation of my own human understanding. In doing this, I have made references to what the angels have said, but not with the thought of quoting them verbatim, except where I have stated. When you consider that there have been some fifty hours of angelic conversation which I have condensed with my own words and understanding into this single volume, you can perhaps realize that I have relied on my human ability to express these truths as I have comprehended them. I have not added to, or taken away from the Word of God, but the Spirit has opened my eyes to things I have not previously seen." Roland Buck

I also wrote about this dilemma that I had personally in my book The Throne Room Company:

John the Beloved did such an awesome job of describing what he saw in the book of Revelation. He truly had the Spirit of Wisdom to relate to us what he had seen. Many people consider his language confusing, until they begin to understand how vastly different eternity is. Then, they develop a great respect for this beloved friend of Jesus.

Often people who see into Heaven as it really is cannot clearly communicate what they have seen, unless they have a supernatural gift of wisdom through the Spirit of Truth." Shawn Bolz

If a person has really visited the God filled Heavens, they will never try and add or take anything away from Scripture. Their experience only endorses the reality of God's love as expressed through His word.

God is about to visit a generation with a manifestation of the Throne Room presence. More and more people are experiencing this reality than ever before. This is especially true because we are approaching a generation that truly lives with a manifestation of heaven on earth. The goal is to bring the greatest agreement and communion that has ever been seen in any generation between His desires in Heaven and our walk on earth. Are you ready to see heaven?

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